Our New Nike home jersey
Helpful Hints:
What does the Nike uniform include? A red jersey, Bleck training jersey, black shorts and black socks.
Who needs to order a new uniform? Uniform companies change uniform styles every 2 years so this is the 1st year of a two year cycle. All players on travel teams (including all 4th graders) need to order.
Who is WE GOT SOCCER? The exclusive uniform retailer for all our players and coaches. Based in Foxboro, WeGotSoccer is an elite soccer retailer dedicated to selling only the best footwear, equipment and apparel. Nike and WeGotSoccer will work together to provide our families with the best quality uniforms, equipment and customer service in the industry.
How much does uniform cost? The cost is $83 after you enter the 10% discount code (WUSCREWARD) so make sure to enter the reward code.
How is it delivered? Your order can be shipped to your home (requires small shipping fee) or picked up at We Got Soccer in Foxboro from their new address. We Got Soccer also sell cleats and lots of soccer gear. You can pick up several orders as long as you have the order #s and copy of the orders confirmations.
What if I miss the deadline? Order as soon as you can and as close to this date as possible. Late orders can't be guaranteed to arrive on time.
What size should I order? There is a SIZING link on the first page of their online Wellesley store site. Since this is the same style as last year, you can also try on current uniform of your friends and neighbors. The sizes run very close to our previous Adidas uniform so order accordingly.
How long will we wear these uniforms? The uniform will be used for fall 2020-spring 2021.
What else can I purchase? There are also training jackets, hoodies and other gear available online.